5 home-based boredom busting ideas

When you can’t be out and about taking a Jaunt, it doesn’t mean that you have to sit at home bored. Here’s 5 boredom busting ideas that can be done at home – you never know, one of them could turn into your next hobby.

Do something creative

We all have a creative side, sometimes it just needs prising out. Being creative can be a good way of expressing yourself. If you love taking photos (perhaps you took some on your last Jaunt), how about trying to edit some of them using free software. You could even take it one step further and start a blog using your photos. If you fancy a more hands on creative project, let your creativity run free and try upcycling an old piece of furniture with some left-over paint you have in the house.

Learn something new

Educating yourself and learning new things doesn’t have to be boring. What are you passionate about? It could be science, the oceans, or even horror films. Listen to educational podcasts on your favourite subjects or complete a free online course to expand your knowledge. Is there something you have always wanted to perfect or become better at? Now could be the perfect opportunity to improve those skills, and maybe nail that recipe you’ve always wanted to try!

Do something you never usually have time for

Turn boredom and having a lot of time on your hands into a positive. Day-to-day, everyone leads such busy lives, so take the opportunity of a bit more free time to indulge in your favourite past times that are usually pushed to the bottom of the to do list such as reading a book or baking your favourite cake.

Take some time for yourself

Now could be the perfect break to prioritise yourself and look after your wellbeing. We are always hearing about the benefits of yoga and meditation on both your physical and mental wellbeing. How about using Youtube to guide you through a yoga class or downloading a mediation app to help you relieve any stress and find your inner peace.

Do something completely random

When we’re not able to act on impromptu plans, it doesn’t mean you can’t be a bit more spur of the moment at home. There are plenty of random things that you can do from the comfort of your home, for example why don’t you see if you can try to beat an indoor world record! Random, I know!